Today was a no spender (yay). I packed food for work, went looking for a Halloween costume (no luck yet), went to kickboxing to find out that my training session was cancelled. The guy rescheduled the session and gave me 2 more classes for free. Great customer service!
I have several financial goals for this week:
-Budget out entertainment spending between now & the 31st.
-Stick to grocery budget
-Eat in as much as possible
-Finalize Medical Plan choices
-Make new monthly budget
-Put up more items on Craigslist
-Finish most of Christmas shopping
-Start figuring budget for sister's wedding & 2 other weddings I will be attending in 2012 plus another one I will be attending in 2013.
The air has been off, windows open & although its cool in evenings - no heat is needed yet (WOOHOO)
Updates, Updates, Updates
October 20th, 2011 at 03:14 am
October 20th, 2011 at 02:50 pm 1319118605
October 21st, 2011 at 09:17 pm 1319228257