Home > Made an easy $20 this morning! Just want to share :)

Made an easy $20 this morning! Just want to share :)

December 12th, 2011 at 03:57 pm

There's a site called Serve out there that is basically an online acct. A reputatable site that I read every day recommended it because you get $10 for signing up and another $10 for playing a quiz game - basically answering 1 trivia question. If you get it wrong, keep answering until you get it right. From there, you should get another $10 to go to the acct.

The email for that 2nd $10 takes a day or so. But I signed up this morning, the sign up bonus was immediately credited & I already requested the $10 in check form to be mailed to me.

There is a fees disclosure with the account, but none for establishing/maintaining the account or for having the funds in your account mailed to you. SO - if anyone wants the referral & link to the quiz, feel free to leave me your email and I can get that to you. *I do want to say that for any referrals, I get $5, so its totally up to you Smile

I just plan on closing out the account after I get the moneySmile

****EDited to add - this is much like a PayPal acct & is backed by AMEX****

20 Responses to “Made an easy $20 this morning! Just want to share :) ”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    credit card free - the invite was sent & I deleted your email from the comments. Thanks!

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    creditcardfree - ooops - here's the link for the contest for the 2nd $10 -

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    @HH, thanks for the trivia link. Although I realized that I already signed up for serve before I got your specialized link from you probably won't make $5 on me. However, I do appreciate the tip!!

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Do you have to link a bank acct to it to open an acct? If not, count me in. :-)

  5. HouseHopeful Says:

    no - you dont have to link a bank account in at all. Which is what I liked about it Smile

  6. HouseHopeful Says:

    Ceejay - just letme know where to send the email/link. I can delete the email as soon as I send it to you Smile

  7. PatientSaver Says:

    Count me in please !

  8. PatientSaver Says:

    i don't want to post it here. It should pop up when you get my reply in your mailbox

  9. PatientSaver Says:

    OK....I'm baaackkk........ Smile

  10. Campfrugal Says:

    I would love the link. Thanks.

  11. ceejay74 Says:

    Shoot, it didn't work for me. My computer froze the first time I tried it, and when I tried again it must have triggered an issue, because I got an email from them saying they need me to upload or fax proof of my address and SSN or they'll cancel the account. I probably won't.

  12. HouseHopeful Says:

    Campfrugal - I will get that out to you
    Ceejay - sorry it didn't work. You shouldn't need to verify that info, but it sounds like maybe the first shut down triggered some security thing?

  13. HouseHopeful Says:

    Campfrugal - I just sent that out to you.

    Ceejay - sorry it didn't work. You shouldn't need to verify that info, but it sounds like maybe the first shut down triggered some security thing?

  14. PatientSaver Says:

    I know that when people post a reply on my blog, I can see their personal email address in my email inbox. I'm not sure why it would be different for you. I don't know of another way to email you privately here.

  15. DeniseNTexas Says:

    I signed up and played the game but the balance still shows as 0. Pfft!

  16. HouseHopeful Says:

    Patient Saver - it is one of the options in your blog settings. I disabled the notifications because I was getting so many, it was clogging my inbox. I temporarily restarted that option to get email addresses, but will likely disable the option later. Its just a personal preference.

  17. HouseHopeful Says:

    Denise - give it a day for the $10 from the game to post - if you don't get it - they apparently have GREAT customer service and if you call, will fix it for you over the phone.

  18. Campfrugal Says:

    I used the link that was sent me also and didn't get the $10.00 opening credit and the game never came up.

  19. creditcardfree Says:

    I noticed on my account that there was a tweet that indicated they are experiencing high volume and may need to wait 48 hours plus for the $10 credit.

    I'm still waiting for my game money!

  20. Kate Says:

    Please send link to

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