Well - I didn't get much of my to-do list completed this week due to an off again/on again migraine. So I am trying to get a bunch of things done in between being lazy today
WD40 Front Door [DONE]
Clean Kitchen
Unload dishwasher [DONE]
Meet with HOA partner to sign checks [DONE]
Water Plants
Wipe Counters
Clean out fridge
Wash kitchen floor
Clean out plastic snack baggies [DONE]
Pre-portion snacks for week [DONE]
cook 2 lbs 85/15 meat & portion
clean living room
put out Christmas stuff
pick up basement
change cat litter
hand towels back in bathroom
wipe down downstairs bath
oil living room table/chairs
Change sheets
Clean bedroom
Clean upstairs bath
Wash upstairs bath floor
Change bulb in upstairs hallway
MyPoints [DONE]
SavingAdvice Post [DONE]
Pay Bills
Work on Dad’s Resume
Work on My Resume
Clear out Purse
Itemize Groupons/Living Social/Gift Cards/Coupons
My day 'off' To-Do List
December 16th, 2011 at 09:20 pm
December 16th, 2011 at 09:24 pm 1324070655
December 17th, 2011 at 05:34 am 1324100087
December 17th, 2011 at 10:48 am 1324118930