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Things are going my way!

October 1st, 2013 at 10:54 pm

I am anxiously waiting for my paystub to show up in my work's online system. Since the raise, I have had one paycheck and that included prorated funds from the raise. This paycheck will be the first to see what my true take home is down to the exact dollar.

I think that between the extra income, I should have $1000/month to go towards debt and to the wedding. Once I make the wedding goal, the funds will be going to debt. Woohoo!

In other news, I also finished my refinance on Monday. Right before FHA complications that would likely have occurred due to the government shutdown (which is absolutely ridiculous).

I am putting myself on a strict budget to refill some of my sinking funds categories, pay off the last of my medical bills and then add even more to debt repayment. I want my debt GONE.

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