Home > Plans for 12/27 Paycheck!

Plans for 12/27 Paycheck!

December 24th, 2013 at 04:47 pm

My paystub went up online yesterday & I was excited to see how much take home I receive with the overtime I did over the last 2 weeks!

In addition to my normal pay, I earned $862.86 in take home overtime pay!

I already have my budget for that pay period & will be putting a LOT of money to debt & savings.

So between my normal pay budget & the overtime, I am doing the following:

1. Paying $1395.19 towards debt
2. Saving $314 ($300 towards Wedding fund)

For a total of $1709.19!

2 Responses to “Plans for 12/27 Paycheck!”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    Nice job racking up that overtime! Smile

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Wow...great job on the overtime!

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