The long weekend was busy in a lot of ways. I am in a purging/organizing kind of mood. So after work Thursday, I got started on making our bedroom as much of an oasis as possible.
First, I attacked the closet
-I Went through the walk-in, pulled every single thing out of it (not my husbands stuff though) and got rid of the following 36 items:
-3 pairs of sandals
-3 pairs of work heels
-a work suit
-2 work blazers
-3 hoodies
-2 pairs of shorts
-5 long sleeve shirts
-4 tee shirts
-jogging pants
- night shirt
-long sleeved sweater
-3 tank tops
-1 purse
-6 polo shirts
-I photographed and listed each of these items, plus the towels and sheets that we went through and purged after the wedding to go to Goodwill. Towels are going to be donated to the SPCA. (32 items purged)
-full sheet set
-2 pillowcases
-top & fitted sheet set
-duvet cover & 2 pillow covers
-6 bath towels
-3 medium towels
-8 hand towels
-1 wash cloth
-2 bath mats
-1 comforter
-I spent 2 hours scanning & Uploading PILES of documents using free phone app & online storage and prepping them for shredding (TOO MANY documents to count)
-cleared personal email
-did Bing Searches
-entered MyCokeRewards
-made dinner at home
-started purging in spare room. Cleaned up some trash and made a list of my 'gift closet'
I woke up on Friday (the 4th) & pulled 5 more items out for goodwill. Then kept going for a total of another 12 items
-3 sweaters
-1 long sleeve shirt
-1 tank top
-2 pairs slippers
-1 belt
-2 pairs of heals
-1 purse
-1 scarf
The 4th was spent with the hubby. We had lunch at Red Robin with a friend and then dinner with another couple at an inn on the Chesapeake. Seafood, a band and a few drinks, plus a free Fireworks show!
Woke up again on Saturday and pulled more items (this time from the dresser, closet and items on the wardrobe in the bedroom) for Goodwill (35 items):
-12 pairs of socks
-2 dresses
-2 decorative teacups
-jump rope
-4 rings, 2 bracelets, 7 pairs of earrings
-2 necklaces
-2 pairs of sunglasses
-Organized all Jewelry
-Organized sock drawer
-Organized underwear drawer
-Organized meds drawer
-Cleared off dresser top (re-homed jewelry into wardrobe)
-Listed 3 items on online sales site
I trashed old/broken flip flops and sandals
Sunday, I took the items to Goodwill (all listed, itemized on a spreadsheet & photographed - which are also saved in the Cloud.
I visited with my family for a bit and then took my parents out to lunch. My Dad has been sick and was craving breakfast out - so we went to a diner. $24 out of pocket for the 3 of us.
Monday, I worked 11.25 hours, hit the grocery store and then just vegged at night. I needed the mental down time after a rough day at work.
Today, Tuesday, I worked 4.15 hours. I am flexing the 2nd half of the day and am getting an estimate on water issues we are having the basement.
During the morning/while I was waiting, I got a few more things done:
-Set up online access for checking to get $200 bonus
-activated cards under married name
-cleared out personal email
-went through mail
-cleared out DVR
-made bed (something we never do)
-checked to make sure bedroom is picked up
-did research on basement issues
-did research on fixing a small leak in the bathroom faucet
Tonight, I am making sloppy joe from scratch for dinner. The Hubs is working until 7, so I get some down/alone time for the rest of my flex day.
Got a lot of information about the basement, including an estimate. I am going to be talking to my husband when he gets home. It's going to be costly
Lots of financial To Dos and Organizing
July 8th, 2014 at 08:29 pm