The basement company came in slightly under the estimate of $6383 (at $6350). They dug out the basement window & reinstalled rocks for drainage. They did the promised work in the basement and in addition, since they had to cut back a bush to get to that basement window, they volunteered to take the whole thing out.
That was a big job that I have been meaning to tackle - so I got that service for free!
The drainage/mold removal is complete and the basement already smells 1000% better. We have to keep the cats out of it while the cement dries, so we moved the litter box into the spare bedroom.
In preparation of the work, we moved around stuff being stored in the basement and it is definitely giving the urge to purge and organize.
So tonight, I brought up 3 old deck chairs that are rusted & need to be trashed. My husband will bring the other 3 in the morning to go out with the trash. So that's a step!
$6350 - the cost - went on a 0% credit card and will get some rewards points. I am working crazy OT and it will be paid off soon!
Basement Drainage Work Complete
July 30th, 2014 at 02:10 am
July 30th, 2014 at 03:21 am 1406686872
July 30th, 2014 at 04:02 am 1406689334
July 30th, 2014 at 05:41 am 1406695313
We've got our roof to deal with here - Fun times in home ownership! (But I wouldn't want it any other way.)