Home > Payday!


June 12th, 2015 at 01:21 pm

Today is Payday and I already have bills set up to be paid and then cash budget lines for certain catagories.

Car insurance: $161.25
(includes prorated amount as I
changed policies/companies. I will get a
rebate from my old policy of about $40 in a
few weeks)
Netflix: $7.99
Medical Slush Fund: $15
Last Credit Card with Balance: $775
Credit card with entertainment purchases: $65.40
Memberships Slush Fund $13
Camera purchase (no interest) $345
Gas: $33.39
Auto Slush Fund: $20
Home Repair Payment (0%): $150

Still have in budget:
Gas Overage $1.61
Personal Items $15
Entertainment $200.75
Trash: $40 (pay $58.50 quarterly)
Mortgage (half) $489
Electric $140
Pets $92
Vacation Fund $20
Misc $10
Groceries $288.88 (had overage from last month)

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