Home > Planning for Payday!

Planning for Payday!

June 24th, 2015 at 01:41 pm

Friday is payday & my check image went online last night. It includes a LOT of overtime (28.25 hours to be exact).

After paying normal bills - cell, mortgage, cable, water, etc., I am budgeting the following:

Gas $40
Auto Savings - Gifts Fund $60
Clothing $8
Entertainment $226
Auto Savings - Car $20
Snowall to last credit card $775
Camera payoff (no interest) $590.95
TD CC Payoff for normal expenses $70.60
Savings Fund from OT $150
Slush Fund for home $100
Home Repairs Fund $50
Pets $20
Groceries $231

After all that, I will have just the 1 credit card balance, which will be down to $2360.56!

2 Responses to “Planning for Payday!”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Great progress!

  2. scottish girl Says:


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