Home > Painters, car theft/accident, baby coming soon

Painters, car theft/accident, baby coming soon

August 7th, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Crazy week. That is the only way I can describe it. With the high risk pregnancy, I had 2 doctors appointments on Monday. My husband & I took off and did the appointments, then lunch out.

The painters came to paint the living room, downstairs hall, stairs and upstairs hall. It was a 3 day job. They repaired some loose drywall and did ceilings & trim including the high ceilings around the stairway. This was worth every penny of the cost & was cashflowed!

Tuesday, I left the house at 6;45 for work only to discover that my car was not parked where it had previously been. I looked around & found it DOWN THE STREET IN A DRIVEWAY AND SMASHED INTO ANOTHER CAR.

Apparently someone had attempted to steal the car (although no broken windows, etc), got it started and then the security features kicked in & the car turned off. So it coasted straight into the neighbor's car.

My car had a few minor scratches on the bumper. The neighbor's drive side door & side panel were dented in. It took 3 hours for the police to come, do reports & fingerprint.

The insurance got someone out the next day to look at my car. I had to sign paperwork & get it notorized over the theft attempt. That I handled (free notary) at the bank yesterday.

So *hopefully* the car situation is pretty much complete. I don't think any repairs to my car would even meet the $500 deductable. So getting it repaired doesn't make much sense, but we'll see.

Yesterday, I heard from my OB's office. Because of my high risk pregnancy, we are likely going to have to incduce a day or 2 before my due date. So I have an induction set for the evening of Tuesday 18th, with hopefully a delivery date of 8/19. Finger's crossed!

So currently, the house is a mess from all the stuff being moved around for the painters, I still have a few more things to deal with with the insurance, the baby is coming in less than 2 weeks and I am feeling a little unsettled. I need to get the house in order this weekend! Smile

5 Responses to “Painters, car theft/accident, baby coming soon”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Wow, that's lot going on! Not too long ago someone got in my car without breaking a window, but they just tossed everything around looking for something to steal. Best of luck with your upcoming delivery!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    So sorry about the car! Best wishes the rest of your pregnancy goes well. It doesn't all have to get done at the expense of your health. Ask for help if needed and let what can slide just slide.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Oh my! So glad the car was recovered nearby without too much damage! What an exciting time for you with the new one coming! Take it easy...what isn't necessary can wait!!! XO

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Good luck you have wonderful things coming up! I'm with ThriftyRay, what isn't necessary can wait! Best wishes for a safe and healthy delivery xx

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Wow! You definitely have a lot going on. Hope the next two weeks settle down until you can welcome your wee one.

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