Home > Spendy Spendy Spendy

Spendy Spendy Spendy

September 9th, 2015 at 10:38 pm

Last few days have been spendy.

Netflix: $7.99
Duck Race Humane Association Donation: $30.00
Donation to an old teacher's Crowdsourcing Fund $15.00
Tickets to Last Comic Standing comedy show (Parents night out in October) $94.00
Photo Book (gift for grandparent) $10
5x7 baby photos for gifts for family members $4.00
Grocery/Baby supply/Household Supplies: $283.16
Postal Service: $14.70
Eating Out: $64.28
Gas: 22.84

However, we still were able to put a bunch into savings!

$1000 into the New Home Fund
$50 House Repairs Fund
$100 Slush fund
$60 2015 Gifts Fund
$20 Auto Maintenance fund

2 Responses to “Spendy Spendy Spendy”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    I wanted to say Congrats on the new member of your family! (The site won't let me comment on your other post).

  2. Househopeful Says:

    Thanks, MonkeyMama - not sure why it won't let you. So weird Smile

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