Today is payday. This check includes my bonus and raise.
I had lowered my 401k contribution to just the match for this paycheck only. I already have increased it back to 16% for the next check.
With this check, I have been able to put aside the following:
$4279 to new home fund (cashflow, overtime plus bonus)
$155 Medical Savings
$80 2016 Gifts
$13 Membership savings
$15 Emergency Fund
$5 Clothing Fund
$20 Automobile savings
$31 cash savings
$130 Slush Fund
$50 Home Upkeep Fund
MARCH Savings (since I won't be paid again until 4/1)TOTALS are as follows:
New Home $4,857.32
Efund $15
Slush Fund $130
Home Upkeep Fund $50
Medical Fund $170
Automobile Savings $20
Vacation $20
Longwood $13
Clothing $10
2016 Gifts $109.25
Nephew Car $16.90
Baby Savings $10
529 $10
TOTAL for March: $5431.47
2016 Mini Goals (Goal End Date 4/30/2016)
*Goals are the dollar amount I want to add to these accounts and not the new total*
1. Extra Splurge on CC $155/$155 Goal
2. Car Savings $310/$343 Goal
3. Medical Savings $470/$493 Goal
4. Nephew Savings $45.19/$486 Goal
5. Efund $104.53/$936 Goal
6. New Home Fund $8300.76/$10,334 Goal
Payday! Mini Goals Update
March 18th, 2016 at 07:39 pm
March 18th, 2016 at 08:44 pm 1458333858
March 20th, 2016 at 07:56 pm 1458503791