Home > Decent article on the SA blog!

Decent article on the SA blog!

September 28th, 2016 at 07:31 pm

Did anyone see the article from the SavingAdvice Blog? "What Having a Family Member Steal From Me Taught Me About Protecting My Finances". Its a little light/for less personal finance aware readers, but it was interesting to me. I have heard/seen a lot of horror stories about family theft.

P.S. I swear I wasn't asked to write this post lol

1 Responses to “Decent article on the SA blog!”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I went back and read the article. It was pretty good. I had a family member steal from me when I was a kid. I would get money for my birthday and I tried to save it in a bank and it would "disappear."

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