Home > Doing Math and preparing for my job to end

Doing Math and preparing for my job to end

March 27th, 2018 at 02:07 pm

My last day of work is 5/24, which gives me 4 days into the paycheck period. Each pay period is 2 weeks, which is how I budget the household. This last check will also include 6 days of TOP time that I rolled over from 2017 and 12.5 TOP days there will have been earned & unused in 2018. This will come in the 6/8 pay period and is enough to replace my normal base pay income from the 6/8 and 6/29 pay periods.

My severance should hopefully arrive before 7/6 (if not, we will pull from savings). Then the severance (after estimated taxes) should cover the pay periods of 7/6, 7/20, 8/3 and 8/17.

If we get uber-frugal, we can definitely make that last a LOT longer!

My goal though – is to NOT use up that severance money and hopefully be able to put some if not all of it away. I have the ability to get a contract job within a few weeks of my last day at my current position and have that as my last resort plan, if I do not find a permanent position.

I was way over stressed, but running the numbers and knowing how much we have in savings plus how long the severance will last us makes me feel SO much less anxious.

I really want to BANK that severance, but if I dont, at least I shouldn't have to touch the savings!!

3 Responses to “Doing Math and preparing for my job to end”

  1. Carol Says:

    So smart to see what the reality may be and also to calm yourself as best you can. Good luck!!

  2. Rachael777 Says:

    you are doing all the right things keep it up!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    You are smart to run the numbers. It is reassuring when you know the facts. Hope you can weather this well.

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