Well, the A/C went again. The last visit from the repair guy was a last ditch effort to see if it would limp through this summer. Obviously, it won't. I have the cash to get the new unit, but I want to pay myself as soon as possible.
Also, there was a glitch between my hot water heater timer and my brand new hot water heater, so I had the installation guy come back out to take a look. It took him 5 minutes, but it was fixed.
Today I:
-woke up at 6:45 am.
-was at the grocery store by 7:30 am to buy veggies and some staples
-made food to take to work
-called & set up an appointment with the a/c guy
-called & got 1 more car insurance quote. I'm just waiting to talk to the company who has my homeowner's insurance to see if grouping them together would save me a few bucks
-met with the hot water heater guy
-went to work for overtime from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm
-came home & cleaned the kitchen, living room and downstairs bathroom
-made dinner and premade food for tomorrow.
now I'm resting, playing on the internet & reworking my budget a little.
I'm actually going to be under budget for groceries this pay period! Yay I have $17.56 left of my $50.00 gift card that I'm using for this pay period. I'm going to save it for when soda is on super sale again. I like to stock up when its at its cheapest
So other than groceries paid by the gift card, I had a no spend day today.
Tomorrow, I'm working 8am to 8pm (3 hours OT). I've packed breakfast, lunch & dinner to take with me, as well as some snacks.
I've been running the house fans, but not the a/c since the a/c isn't working. But even if it was, I'd probably have it off, its been so beautiful in the last few days.
My goal for this week is to pack my meals all the way through Saturday. I say that sometimes and I don't follow through. But I will this time. I actually put a sticky note on my debit card. It says "A/C", just as a reminder. When I was saving for the house, I had a sticky with a picture of a house on it. Its a strange little motivation, but hey, it works for me
For entertaiment this weekend, I'm getting a few movies from the library. I've been watching old Poirot movies, which is fun. I have plans to do some organizational and cleaning stuff around the house this weekend. It should be pretty frugal
getting into ultra frugal mode
June 12th, 2007 at 03:16 am
June 12th, 2007 at 04:05 am 1181617546
I'm sure I have read this somewhere in your blog but have forgotten (and am too lazy to go look
June 12th, 2007 at 04:18 am 1181618303
I have been feeling like I am not accomplishing enough during the day and have been keeping a time log so I can see where my time goes. It does seem to be helping me a bit.
June 12th, 2007 at 05:49 am 1181623757
What did you ever do about the bees?
Good luck taking your lunch everyday! I know it is hard to preplan every night, but it sure is worth it!
June 12th, 2007 at 01:07 pm 1181650070
I work in the risk department at a large credit card bank. Mostly, I deal with large fraud rings and government reports. Its amazing how much money people scam! And how much they make off it!
I always make myself to-do lists, but I never finish. If I get a 1/3 done, then I feel like I've accomplished something. I try to just take it one day at a time.
I've held off on having the bee guy come. There's still bees living in my eaves, but they're wood boring bees, so they don't sting or attack. They drill into wood, which is not that good, but I think my plan is to have the bee guy come & get rid of them for this summer. And then next year, I had already planned on replacing the 2 areas of wood on the back of my house with siding. They're small areas. That would prevent the bees from having anywhere to live
June 12th, 2007 at 04:16 pm 1181661388
And it is much more user friendly than insecticides! Good luck.