Home > October but feels like August

October but feels like August

October 9th, 2007 at 11:50 pm

Yesterday was almost 90, today was in the 80s. I was in shorts and tee shirts all weekend. This crazy weather is making me sick too. My allergies have been going crazy.

Its benefits enrollment week this week. I haven't taken advantage of our company's Health Savings Account since they just started offering it last year. Since I"m on 3 different daily meds, I am going to sign up to at the very least take that much out for the year. But I have a lot of questions about the plan and the company provides the information in a manner that is very hard to understand. I'm putting a call into HR tomorrow.

I am working on the plans for my Halloween party. I think my costume is going to be a Stepford Wife. I have a coworker thats going to lend me a dress. I already have shoes and a purse and all I'll have to do is buy some white gloves to complete the outfit.

I am planning on some food & booze for the party, but I encouraged guests to bring their own bottle as well.

I am SO looking forward to my week off at the end of the month. I plan on visiting a family friend with my Mom one day. I want to spend the day at the hair salon and I am going to splurge and get a pedicure done. I know a classy, but cheap place. I plan on spending at least 1 or 2 days just lazing around. And the rest of the week is up on the air.

Well, back to work. I'm here til 8pm. Then I'm heading off to an Breast Cancer Benefit that my friend is having at a local bar. $5.00 cover and 50% of the drinks go straight to the charity. I have $15.00 to spend and thats it. But all of it will go to the cause!

Also, in Weight Watchers news I lost another 1.4 pounds this week for a total of 16.6 pounds! Slow but steady! And I FEEL so much better. And I noticed that I'm enjoying food so much more Smile

3 Responses to “October but feels like August”

  1. lattelal Says:

    I just decided to go with the HSA too. I have lots of information about it that I gathered from online. The eligible expenses are on IRS form 502 (very helpful in knowing what you can spend it on).

  2. denisentexas Says:

    It's ridiculously hot here, too, but I'm doing all I can to not turn on the AC. I did have it on for about an hour and a half yesterday but haven't had it on today at all. I really want to keep the electric bill under control! Way to go on that weight loss! That's a great accomplishment. Smile

  3. fern Says:

    If you dress up for that Halloween party and bring a cake with you, you could be a Desperate Housewife. Smile

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