Last week it was my credit card that was taken. This Friday, I went to a Happy Hour and my cell phone was taken. UGH.
The theif has cajones. He took the phone right off the table. There was a lot of confusion due to it being a LARGE table with lots of different people coming and going. So I really shouldn't have left it out on the table.
At least I was able to shut it off immediately after I realized it was gone. And I was able to get a new phone on Saturday for $19.99 after rebate.
I've been spending like crazy, bought some more new clothes. Its been out of control lately. I'm a little mad at myself for gettiing so off track.
So, I'd like to talk about the things that I'm doing right.
-Turned the A/C off Friday morning til this afternoon. Humidity went back up and I had guests today. Still, my electric usage has been a LOT less than last month.
-Air dried 2 loads of laundry this week. One of which was towels and sheets, which I normally use the dryer for. I ended up hanging a couple of sheets off doors since I only have drying racks & hangers, not a clothes line.
-Made a meal plan for the week. I have already premade meals for tomorrow.
-Got a decent deal on low-fat ground turkey - bought two packs of 3 pounds each. I browned 3 pounds up tonight and packaged them as two 1 lb packages, and five 1/5 pound packages for individual meals. Took a third of the 2nd package and made meatloaf muffins. Tomorrow night, I'll make sloppy joe with the other two pounds. I just need to get one thing from the store first.
-Cleared more clothes from the closet. Organized my Fall/winter stuff and I know I'm set for the season.
-Cleaned the smelly cat litter boxes with water and vinegar and it REALLY made a difference. Nice, cheap solution!
-Did my own nails. I actually find this to be relaxing to do myself.
-Bought bananas and blueberries really cheap and have frozen a bunch for baking and smoothies later on
I also have several big expenses coming up. In the next two months:
- Concert with friends. Ticket, gas and at least one drink while there: Estimated $100.00
- Camping and white water rafting, gas, tent site, food: Estimated $150.00
- Wedding of coworker, slightly out of town. Gift, gas, hotel (a group of us are sharing a room), and breakfast: $130.00
- One more trip to the beach and boardwalk. Gas, tolls, parking, dinner, and maybe games: Estimated $80.00. (Gas being around $50)
***All of these expenses are probably over estimated, but I'd rather overestimate than underestimate.
Another Theft and Busy Weekend
August 25th, 2008 at 02:37 am
August 25th, 2008 at 04:04 am 1219633442
September 10th, 2008 at 09:36 pm 1221078996
Cleaned the smelly cat litter boxes with water and vinegar and it REALLY made a difference. Nice, cheap solution!
Great tip I never tried that one but will do so soon!