I packed breakfast & lunch for work. On the way home, I went to the grocery store and picked up romaine, cucumbers & tomatoes for $6.50. Not too bad.
No heat on right now. My goal is to keep it off at least til November. It helps that the temps have increased a little.
I've already packed food for work tomorrow. I'm heading out to happy hour after work. Expected spending (bringing cash), $15.00.
Saturday, I'm probably going to head into work to get ahead on some stuff. Then Sat night I'm going to a party. Just have to bring some beer with me.
Sunday will be a complete stay at home day. I'm thinking I might try a hand at making pizza dough. I can freeze what I don't eat.
Work is tense right now. The people I work closest with are all competing for a limited number of positions. Not pleasant since I consider them all hard workers.
Tomorrow's happy hour is with people at work, but not directly in my department. I'm interested in hearing their take on things.
Little Spending, No Heat & Work is Tense
October 10th, 2008 at 01:37 am