I've said before, over the last few months, my spending is out of hand. Now that I have several upcoming home expenses, I need to tighten the belt even more. So I've planned my $0.00 based budget for 4/30 to 5/14 pay period.
I've made a grocery plan, a meal plan. I have a very, very strict cash flow this pay period, so I am looking to stick with it.
My biggest challange will be grocery and entertainment spending. One thing that will help in both areas is that I am going back to doing Weight Watchers. I was following the plan loosely, but now will be 100% on plan.
In addition to planning my food out (which saves on groceries), I plan on working out a lot more. This means skipping dinner out in favor of walking (free entertainment) I will also be limiting drinking as part of the plan.
Speaking of exercise, I have set a goal for myself: I plan on walking 100 miles between now and the end of August. I'll be tracking my progress here. Wish me luck!
Strict Budget
April 29th, 2009 at 10:48 pm
April 29th, 2009 at 10:58 pm 1241042312
April 29th, 2009 at 11:17 pm 1241043434
But for us, eating and drinking out and other kinds of shopping and entertainment would be the real killers, so we get our spending money cash in hand each Friday. We never use the debit card for frivolous shopping or eating out, because it's too easy to overspend. Sometimes our friends kind of look askance at us when we're poring over the bill at the end of the night, figuring out what each of us owes and such. Most couples/families would throw it on the card and figure it out later (or not). But this just works better for us.
April 30th, 2009 at 02:50 pm 1241099419
I have fallen off the WW wagon and need to get back on!