Home > Payday!


April 15th, 2010 at 11:22 pm

So today is payday Smile I have spent the last few months being crazy with spending. Today is my first day back on track. woooooo Smile

I have a budget and its TIGHT. I'm holding a Skincare party Monday night and have a small budget for food/drinks. I'm doing this for my sister, who has decided that selling these products is a GREAT way to earn money. Personally, I just feel strong armed into pushing a bunch of people to come to my house and listen to a pitch for skin care products.

Therefore, I am planning on providing yummy appetizers and plenty of wine!

Then later this month, I have 3 vacation days from work for my birthday. I am having a little party on the Saturday before. I decided my theme is Mexican. I got some decorations from the dollar store, I'll have a taco and nacho bar. My friends are bringing extra blenders and we'll have a bunch of margaritas. I'm keeping it small, but tacos for 10 people is still not cheap.

Today I spent: $4.95 on food at work today (BOOOOO)

I have a HUGE to-do list for this weekend.

-The roomie is 80% moved out and I'm gonna take the time to do a BIG clean.
-Plant some seeds and transfer the 1 tomato plant I'm attempting this year
-Planning/shopping for food for Monday
-Planning food/beverages for birthday party

I'm glad to be in control of money again. I'll update my information soon, but the #s aren't pretty.

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