Home > Hello Again - Into Fall

Hello Again - Into Fall

October 26th, 2010 at 11:11 pm

Hello again. Its been awhile, health problems are still here and its been rough.

So here are some quick updates.

- The HSA has run out - all other medical expenses will be paid in cash.

- I found some of my medical needs online was able to buy 3 of something for 21.22 instead of the $9.99 each at the local pharmacy. I'm really glad for that deal

- I am in the middle of my week long vacation from work. My goal was/is to rest up and help with my health

- I had a horrible migraine that completely incapacitated me over the weekend. My parents were able to help take care of me & I bought lunch $20.00 one of those days

- My mom's birthday was yesterday & we took her to dinner. My portion of dinner was $15 & I planned on buying her tickets to a play $38.00

- I have been reading TONS of library books and spending time with my family.

- Today, I rented a Redbox movie to watch with my dad $1.02

- I had a new key to my grandmother's house made $1.33. I then headed over & had her gas meter read.

- I also made copies of some photos for my mom & sister, roughly $9.00

- I haven't been home a full day since my vacation started Friday night, so tomorrow, my whole goal is to have to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I CAN do things around the house if I WANT to, but nothing is required. And I have a LOT of horror movies on my dvr to watch. I LOVE tv during the month of October!

Currently, I have $44 left in my checking to last me until payday (Friday). I need to buy a book of stamps. I also want to spend as little as possible so that the extra funds can go to make up for some stupid spending I did last week - purchased some clothes - but they are very useful for work, so I am going to finagle the budget to make it work Smile

Well, I am off to make pasta for dinner & sit on my butt & watch Rocky Horror Glee Show (Glee's doing Rocky Horror! I can't wait!)

To do this week (but not necessarily tomorrow):

- Budget for the next pay period
- Meal plan for next pay period
- Food plan for next pay period
- Work on Christmas shopping
- Find items to sell on Craigslist
- Clean kitchen
- Clean bathroom
- Do laundry

P.S - forgot the best news! Still no heat! In fact, we have the windows open tonight!

4 Responses to “Hello Again - Into Fall ”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I have had only two migraines in my life and I never want another one! Take care.

    I was a little disappointed in the Glee "Rocky Horror." I'd been looking forward to it, too.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Hope you feel better!

  3. Homebody Says:

    Hang in there.

  4. scottish girl Says:

    Hope you feel better

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