Home > Happy Cyber Monday!

Happy Cyber Monday!

November 29th, 2010 at 05:11 pm

I am not doing shopping, as I am almost done my Christmas shopping. I have to update the sidebar, though.

Today, I spent $0.55 on a soft pretzel & $30 on a specialist copay. I am feeling better (Although not perfect) and I want to get back to my normal stuff as much as possible.

So, today, I am starting back on my 5 Things list. This is the 5 things off my to-do that I plan to tackle today. I can never seem to do EVERYTHING off the list, but if I can accomplish 5 a day, its definitely worth it.

So today's 5 Things are:

1. Finalize December budget
2. Make meal plan & grocery plan for the next pay period
3. Do emails for HOA
4. Laundry
5. Clean bedroom (including vacuuming)

I also have set some goals for December:

1. Complete Cash only Christmas
2. Pack lunch all days but 1 (my personal December Lunch Challange)
3. Stick to budget 100%
4. Continue to put up stuff to sell on Craiglist
5. Look for new roommate
6. Keep heat low & sweaters on Smile

3 Responses to “Happy Cyber Monday!”

  1. Aleta Says:

    I didn't target today to shop because it was Cyber Monday - it just happened that way. I received a list from my DIL yesterday and I bought for my Grandkids and it will be sent there ahead of our visit. So easy to shop online.

    Making lists are essential. I try to have 1 main item that I want to accomplish in a day. I normally will list 3 and hope that I can get to them. You're doing great.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    On Saturday I was submitting an online order, only to find out that I'd save 25% by waiting until today. I waited. Now JCPenny's has 50% off on long underwear I've wanted. Ordered there, too, but their server was like molasses and an hour later still has not sent me an email confirmation. Even Yahoo, through which most of my email goes, is slow today.

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    I got a couple of very excellent deals in stuff I really needed today. I got a pair of shoes which I have needed for months and some health supplements which are impossible to find where I live. In addition to some stuff being on sale, I used coupon codes from mrrebates dot com in order to get free shipping and a rebate. This feels great.

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